Tag Archives: The Gilded Age

What’s bringing me joy lately

Yes the world has a lot of horrible stuff. But just right now, a few joys to share:

Deer Fawns! Sadly none of the pictures are worth uploading. First one, then two, fawns were ambling and running and playing and curled up sleeping in our backyard last week, all spindly legs and spots and utterly completely lovable. What an honor to see the Mama Deer come and feed and lick them!

The Gilded Age (on Max). This show takes place in about 1882 New York City and is an upstairs/downstairs sort of story — many, many characters. I love the costumes and hair and scenes and the “feel” of the show. I think the music both background and part of the scene, like at a concert, is perfect. I love the actors! I can image that other people might find a show like this slow or frustrating with all the characters, but I am completely relaxed by it and eager to see what happens next. There is just enough “awful”, such as racism and other ism’s and capitalist shenanigan’s to keep it grounded. Life was never all parties and hats with no price to pay. But the hats! I just watched season 2, ep1, and the hats. I love the hats. The hats!

The new Liaden Universe book! Ribbon Dance is the 26th book (maybe 27th?) in this universe by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. This one features Master Trader Shan (my favorite character), his daughter Padi, who is a Trader in her own right and starting to spread her wings. This universe is full of love and danger and is space opera at its highest best form. But it also has characters who are competent. I love competence. I love seeing people do the job, whether that is administering to a government, heading a trading mission, helping children. I am not sure if someone new to Liaden could “jump in”, but I think so. Or start with the beginning! The sad news is that Steve Miller passed earlier this year, but the good news is that Sharon has assured readers that the sequel, and the sequel’s sequel, are safely planned out. (Baen Books)

That’s all for now!